Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Its My Life" - Games, Activities, Advice, & Resources for Teens

Its My Life is a great resource provided by PBS that offers many resources, stategies, games, advice and forums for students to discuss issues relating to being a teenager.  Student can watch videos, share their experiences, take polls, play games and more across 6 different subjects related to today's teenagers.

It's My Life is broken up into resources and activities covering Friends, Family, School, Body, Emotions, and Money.  Just the games alone are a great resources for students who have a few extra time in class and you would like them to do something educational or worthwhile. 

It's My Life has contributions by a number of experts, doctors, teachers, conselors and more.  There is no subject off limits, but the subject matter is moderated to remain clean and safe for students and school.  

Check out It's My Life by PBS at:

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